
Project Management and Interpersonal Skills

Writing and Reviewing Scientific Paper

Professional Communication - Spring 1

Introduction to IEEE 802.11 technologies and network simulations using ns-3

Library Information Management

Certificate - G23 Building the Bridge in Smart Grids

Design and Analysis of Experiments

IEC 61850

Advanced Mathematics for PhD Candidates

Problem Based Learning


Network Performance Analysis

EEE 802.11 technologies and network simulations

Certificate of Participation EAI SMARTGIFT 2017

Eoquent Languange Program (Distinction)

Participation QEC HEC PU

Quality Assurance Mechanism in HE - HEC - QEC

UCP - Volunteer in Service

UCP - Volunteer in Service

Quality Assurance Mechanism in HE - HEC - QEC

UCP - Volunteer in Service

Leadership for Engineers & Technical Managers

Radio Pakistan (1st Position)

NI - Real Time Control Design

NI - Circuit Simulation